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Neighbourhood Plans were introduced through the Localism Act of 2011 to enable local communities to prepare plans which will contain policies relating to the development and use of land in their areas. They are intended to enable communities to have more power to control the scale, type and location of development. However, they do have to meet some legal requirements; these include “the basic conditions”. These are that:
1) Having regard to national policies and advice contained in guidance published by the Secretary of State it is appropriate to make the plan;
2) The making of the plan contributes to sustainable development;
3) The making of the plan is in general conformity with the strategic policies contained in the development plan for the area:
4) The making of the plan does not breach and is otherwise compatible with EU obligations; 5) The making of the Neighbourhood Development Plan does not breach the requirements of Chapter 8 of Part 6 of the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017.


The Plan is “made” by the local planning authority if it is determined that it meets the basic conditions and other legal requirements and it is supported by a majority of the voters in a referendum of the residents of the area.


When it is made, the Neighbourhood Plan will form part of the statutory development plan for the area and its policies will be used alongside national policy and the strategic policies of the Borough Council of King’s Lynn and West Norfolk Local Plan to guide the determination of planning applications in the parish.


The Parish Council decided to prepare a neighbourhood plan in late 2015. A working group of 3 members of the Parish Council and one co-opted member was established to take this forward and report on a regular basis to the Parish Council.


An application to the Borough Council of King’s Lynn and West Norfolk for the designation of the whole parish as a neighbourhood area was made on 1st December 2016 and the Borough Council approved the designation on 16 February 2017.



The Borough Council website has a full set of documents at:



The Borough Council holds a copy of the completed plan at:



or it can be downloaded from this website:


Terrington St John Local Plan Adopted Version October 2021 (PDF, 3.3MB)

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