Do you have the time, energy, skills, enthusiasm, and commitment to be a Parish Councillor? The next elections will be held in May 2023. Read our Becoming a Councillor article to find out more. You can also read our Co-option Policy (DOCX format).
Parish Councillors​
Angela Bishop (Chair)
Takes the lead on matters relating to:
Norfolkalc representative
Joanne MacCallum (Vice Chair)
Takes the lead on matters relating to:
Internal Auditor
TSJ Consolidated charity trustee
Robert Dye
Marc Knights
Aidan Hoey
Takes the lead on matters relating to:
SAM2 and Police
Jillian Ware
Takes the lead on matters relating to:
Village Hall, Emergency Planning, Parish Social Group
The Parish Council currently has vacancies for the role of councillor.
The Role of a Councillor
They are elected to represent the interest of the local community as a whole and promote a harmonious local environment. The number of elected Councillors depends on the size of the area, in Terrington St John we are able to have 9 Councillors.
Local Councils are the first tier of governance and are the first point of contact for anyone concerned with a community issue. They are democratically elected local authorities and exist in England, Wales and Scotland. The term 'Local Council' is synonymous with ' Parish Council, 'Town Council' and 'Community Council'.
Local Councils are made up of locally elected Councillors. They are legally obliged to hold at least four meetings a year. Most meet on a monthly cycle to discuss council business and hear from local residents. District and County Councillors regularly attend parish meetings and report at the Annual Parish meeting. Councillors are expected to attend meetings on a regular basis.​​
Parish Council Register of Interests
All Parish Councillors are required by law to complete a register of interest form to register their Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and the Disclosable Pecuniary Interests of their spouses or civil partners or persons with whom they live in that capacity. Guidance – Openness and transparency on personal interests: guidance for councillors
Councillors’ Register of Members’ Disclosable Pecuniary Interest forms can be found on the Borough Council’s website.
Members code of conduct
All members of Terrington St John Parish Council have completed the Borough Council of King’s Lynn & West Norfolk, Members’ Code of Conduct form.
The Members’ Code of Conduct form can be found on the Borough Council’s Website.